Cardiovascular Medicine… Heart Health
Graham Health System understands the importance of quality heart health care. The physicians at the OSF Cardiovascular Institute bring quality Heart Health care to our patients. Your heart can be affected by disease, failure and defect. That’s
why we offer cardiac services right here at Graham.
The OSF Cardiologists offer quality care that includes diagnostics, treatment and prevention, offering ways to treat and manage heart disease at every stage.
To successfully deliver a treatment plan, you may be asked to undergo testing that will provide your doctor with the information needed for an accurate diagnosis. Once a diagnosis has been determined, an individualized care plan will be developed for
If your care plan includes Cardiac Rehabilitation, the professional team of nurses and exercise specialists at Graham Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation are here to help you meet your specific goals and get you back to your day-today life.
Contact Us
A physician’s referral is needed to schedule an appointment with a cardiologists.
OSF Healthcare Cardiovascular Institute
Graham Hospital
210 W. Walnut St
Canton IL 61520