Corporate Compliance
Compliance and ethics are a fundamental part of what we do at Graham Health System. This program is intended to assist us in achieving excellence in the workplace. The compliance program also ensures policies and procedures are in place to
assist employees, medical staff, and Board members in preventing fraud and abuse and to comply with local, state, and federal laws applicable to the Health System. Compliance is the responsibility of each and every one of us. Our Graham Health System
employees are expected to follow these standards.
An essential element of the Graham Health System compliance package includes a comprehensive audit program. In conjunction with the Corporate Compliance Committee, a compliance work plan is created annually. This compliance work plan outlines specific
audits to be completed and helps Graham Health System to ensure our patient care and reimbursement procedures comply with the Federal and State laws and regulations.
The Corporate Compliance Program fosters and environment in which employees, physicians and other providers, patients, visitors, and business partners are encouraged to report concerns about business practices and/or possible violations of law or policy. Concerns
may be reported anonymously a number of ways:
- Call the Corporate Compliance Officer, Holly Henline at 309-647-5240 ext. 2709 or email at [email protected]
- From within the hospital, call the hotline at x7777
- Complete a complaint form and put the form in Compliance boxes located outside the cafeteria and within the clinic buildings
- Complete a complaint form and forward to the Compliance Officer at: